This North Carolina Plant Could Cause Vomiting, Coma or Even Death
Spring is on the way, and with it comes blooming flowers and other plants that always makes for a glorious view. I so enjoy planting seeds each year and looking at the ground to see new buds sprouting. But, not all plants are harmless. In fact, some are dangerous. One North Carolina plant could even cause vomiting, coma or, in extreme cases, death. has put together a list of the most dangerous planets in North Carolina. “Plants are living organisms that have the same primary objective in life as other beings: to keep living,” they explain, “and because they can’t run away or fight back when predators threaten their existence, they use their poison to deter animals from eating them.” According to this story, a whopping 646 poisonous plants grow in North Carolina. So, why is it important to know how to recognize hazardous plants? One reason is to “help reduce the potential for illness from accidental touch or consumption.” Another reason is that “toxic plants can result in symptoms as severe as skin irritation, allergic responses, digestive problems, or other conditions that may need medical treatment.” It’s true. I have very sensitive skin, and I’ve broken out in rashes from toxic plants before.
So, what’s the most dangerous plant in North Carolina? They say it’s the Poison Hemlock (Conium Maculatum). What makes it so dangerous? “All parts of this plant are highly toxic to humans and pets, especially when ingested,” they write. “They can cause symptoms such as vomiting, salivation, diarrhea, weakness, paralysis, convulsions, coma, and death.” That’s really scary. What’s scarier is that this weed is reportedly common in North Carolina, according to, and can be found “near roadsides, ditches, streambanks, and along fences.” So, be careful out there. Find the full list of the most dangerous plants in North Carolina via here. Find more information on poisonous plants here.