You Have To Be a Literal Millionaire To Use The New Myria App
I’ll never complain about paying $5 for my sleep tracking app ever again. A new app named Myria is creating a ton of buzz just days after its release. Myria is an online concierge tool that helps people get into the swankiest of digs and the coolest events across the globe. Well, I should say it helps certain people do that.
What sets Myria apart from your typical run-of-the-mill concierge app is its exclusivity. In an interview with the New York Post, Myria founder Rey Flemings notes the level of wealth needed to gain membership to the invite-only app. “Everybody on Myria is incredibly successful and globally significant. Our average member net worth is about $600 million.” Even the membership fee alone is $30,000! Welp, guess that rules me and my meager broadcaster budget out of the running.
The Post reporter who interviewed Flemings was actually granted temporary access to the app. He found that even though there were fewer than 100 members (or as I dub them: Myriacs) so far, several of them were huge names in tech, business, entertainment, sports, you name it. The reporter was also able to experience how effective Myria truly is at providing unforgettable experiences for the uber elite. “For instance, if a user wants to travel to Italy, they can be hooked up with an off-market mansion that’s unavailable to the hoi polloi.”
The waitlist to join the app is currently at about 500 people, with more projected for 2024. If you feel you’re eligible to join this who’s-who of wealthy thrill-seekers, then feel free to apply. Who knows, you could be rubbing elbows with Mark Cuban in Bora Bora next summer! I mean, probably not, but it’s worth a shot right?
Also, for what it’s worth, I found this quote on Myria’s About Us tab. “Our North Star is to do the right thing — even when we don’t feel like doing it.” Well that’s reassuring! Rich people are so weird dude.