New Art Installation in the African Desert Plays Toto’s “Africa” On Loop
The meme culture around Toto’s “Africa” has now reached a new level. Per BBC News, the Namib Desert now features a unique art installation that is playing “Africa” on loop….

ANAHEIM, CA – JANUARY 25: Toto’s Steve Lukather celebrating Yamaha’s 125th Anniversary Live Around the World Dealer Concert performs at the Hyperion Theater on January 25, 2013 in Anaheim, California. (Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images for Yamaha)
Frazer Harrison/Getty ImagesThe meme culture around Toto’s “Africa” has now reached a new level.
Per BBC News, the Namib Desert now features a unique art installation that is playing “Africa” on loop. Max Siedentopf, the artist behind the installation, told BBC News that he “wanted to pay the song the ultimate homage and physically exhibit 'Africa' in Africa. Some [Namibians] love it and some say it's probably the worst sound installation ever. I think that's a great compliment."
So, how is the song playing on a continuous loop? An MP3 player featured the lone Toto song has been connected to six different speakers all powered by solar batteries, which is admittedly very clever.
The exact location of the exhibit has yet to be disclosed but count on the internet to figure that out sooner than later.
Erica Banas is rock/classic rock news blogger that loves the smell of old vinyl in the morning.