7 Outstanding Classic Rock Drum Fills

Ahhh…the drum fill. It’s one of the most beloved/underrated and simple/complex elements of a song. Admit it: We all have done a bit of air drumming in the car, and…

Milosz Aniol/Shutterstock

Ahhh…the drum fill. It’s one of the most beloved/underrated and simple/complex elements of a song.

Admit it: We all have done a bit of air drumming in the car, and after that guy at the Baltimore Ravens game went viral for air drumming to Rush's "Tom Sawyer" and since today (September 12) happens to be Neil Peart's birthday,  we thought we'd gather some of our favorite drum fills in classic rock to celebrate.  Enjoy!

Rush – “Tom Sawyer”

Drum fill starts at 2:35.

The Who – “Won’t Get Fooled Again”

This epic drum fill begins at 7:31 and is punctuated with one of the greatest screams in recorded history.

Led Zeppelin – “Whole Lotta Love”

Leave it to John Bonham to have three great drum fills in one song. First takes place at 3:02, while the second is at 4:35 and the third at 4:56.

Billy Joel – “Only The Good Die Young”

Drum fill at 0:13.

Ram Jam – “Black Betty”

Drum fill at 1:32.

David Bowie – “Young Americans”

Starts at song’s beginning.

Phil Collins – “In The Air Tonight”

Let's face it, no drum fill list is complete without this gem.  Drum fill/moment you channel your inner Mike Tyson begins at 3:16.

Erica Banas is rock/classic rock news blogger that loves the smell of old vinyl in the morning.